Wednesday, May 19, 2010

todays class 5/18/10

todayI did absolutely nothing, but he graded my Florida endangered project.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Video 6 - Why Does Evolution Matter Now

Q:How does evolution work against us with dangerous microbes (little things!)?

A: Evolution works against us because slowly these microbes become resistent to drugs, and then get passed down in generations slowly becoming stronger. This happens because you take a curtain amount of drugs for something. But it can't kill all of it, so eventually if the person stops taking their medicine their future generations are born already with the disease.

Video3 - How Do We Know Evolution Happens?

Q:What have scientists learned so far by looking at fossils?

A: Scientist have learned that all animals evolved from something, like whales their mammals, so why do they have flippers because they evolved from an animal that lived on land. They've also learned that many animals have not just appeared, they came from some where.

Video 1 - Isnt' Evolution just a Theory

Q:What is the difference between a theory, a hypothesis and a law?

A:A law is something that has been proven, and there is no doubt what so ever that it is true. While a hypothesis is based on a theory, and is much like and inference.Theory, is what pulls together the couldn't have a hypothesis without a theory, and you couldn't have a law without a hypothesis.

todays class 4/21/10

Today I got so much done, including my goal. Which was to get the flashy fish done one the evolution unit done,(which was worth half my grade. also i got done a lot of research done on my 20% project.

Friday, April 16, 2010

todays class 5/16/10

Today in class, we went down to the creek to colect different things. When we found five we would look at them under a microscope. But if we got things out of the creek we wouldn't put them under the microscope. So here is what i did.

-has some white stuff stuck to it's side
-it has claws on every one of its hand or feet things.
-has like red spots on it
-has red and black spots on it
-it looks like it's wet
-there are lot of different colors on it.
-the likens look a lot more colorful under the microscope
-it look like there it's green.
4)green leaf:
-you can see the lines on it a lot easier, and they look red
-it look like there are some king of eggs on it or something
-looks yellow
5)pink flower:
- looks like it has some kind of blue on it
-and you can see some spots non it too

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

3 main ideas
1. Green house gases have a major impact on global warming today.
2. Over the last hundred years the temperatures have been rising beyond whats normal.

3. No matter what global worming will cause major problems to our earth

what could change
What I think could be changed or added to the video is that they should tell us how much it will effect us and how much harder it will be for us to survive. But it was a very helpful video.

global warming (ecology and relations)

3 main ideas
1. Green house gases have a major impact on global warming today.
2. Over the last hundred years the temperatures have been rising beyond whats normal.

3. No matter what global worming will cause major problems to our earth

what could change
What I think could be changed or added to the video is that they should tell us how much it will effect us and how much harder it will be for us to survive. But it was a very helpful video.

coral reef conservation (for ecology and relations)

3 main points

1. they wan't to describe a baseline coral reef, a reef that has the absence of human disturbance
2.what characteristic of the coral reefs are systematically changed by human activities.
3.coral reefs are a major part of the ocean habitat, it contains many species.

what i would change
what i would change or add to the video is that it should talk about what just the average person can do to help conserve our coral reef. other than that it was really good.

Monday, March 15, 2010


today in class i didn't do much because was a little confused. and m,y computer wouldn't stop shutting off.

Monday, March 8, 2010

todays class 3/8/10

today in class i worked on my 20% percent project and got quite a bit done my due date is 5/4/10

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

todays class 3/3/10

today in class i actually got a lot done. i pretty much finished my scientific paper for the 9 weeks. then all i have to do is finishes the endangered creature project.:)

Friday, February 26, 2010

todays class 2/26/10

today in class i worked on our beak thing again. which i had to redo my chart then i started my paper on the beak thing. so I'm not done but his is as far as i got.

Monday, February 22, 2010

todays class 2/22/10

today i chose a topic(education) for our project. my question was will we even need to leave our houses to got to school in 100 years. a picture that has to do with my topic is....

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

todays class 2/17/10

today in class i got a lot done. even thought the teacher wasn't here. first i accomplished the sideshow which was 41 slides :(). then i looked at the pictures of the 13 different classifications of habitat. then i found our a lot about my endangered species, ziziphus celata. and its the most endangered species in Florida, how cool is that:P.

notes on endangered spiecies 2/17/10

this sideshow was about how animals are starting to go extinct and that biodiversity, the animals are having a hard time adapting to their environment change and are dieing out more quickly.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

todays class 2/10/10

todday in class we did a shared document on Google groups with your shoulder partner and since i do not have a shoulder partner i had to work in a group of three. evolutionism about what animals do when their environment changes. and natural selection is king of like the physical feture of an animal.

(this is a link to what we did.)

Monday, February 8, 2010

todays class 2/8/10

today in class i finished our cell discussion post and and my final answers. for both Google groups. also finished posting stuff on my symbaloo page and i edited some stuff on it too. then i did my science math question and started my next part of the article.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

class today 2/3/10

Today in class I read an article on environment change, I posted it to evernote and then I did a short summery on it on Google docs. then I started my pandemic ii game and I didn't do as good as yesterday. then I went on our Google group and started to answer the questions but I ran out of time and had to do our blog for the day!!!!!!

Monday, February 1, 2010

tdays class 2/1/10

todaqy we played a game were we destryoed the earth by spreading a pandemic. i did very good and learned 3 new vocab word virus bacteria and parasite.

class today2/1/10

Friday, January 29, 2010

class today1/29.10

today i got my mitosis thing doen and graded ny self yey

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

genetics words

Today we learned about genes here are our vocab words:

Genotype:BB Bb bb
Phenotype:blue, brown
Homozgous: BB bb

todays class 1/27/10

t6oday i got quite a lot done. i got my animation done then i did 2.5 on the agenda. after that i went on my Gmail. and did all but of the 5 things except for one. then i did the bonus. i posted everything i needed to post on symbaloo.

Friday, January 22, 2010

todays class 1/22/10

today i was sort of frustrated but eventually i figured out what we were doing. so i had to rate over 100 different post by us 7th graders which i didn't get to finish. then we started to talk about genetics and i got kind of interested because my moms eyes are brown my dads eyes are green and i have hazel so i was interested then we did some game.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

todays class 1/20/10

to day in class i guess i got a lot done but it doesn't seem like much all i did was post my work on symbaloo and organize it. then i read the article on the agenda about plant and animal cells. then i went to the group discussions and answered all three questions and i felt really good about the first and second, but the last on i guessed a little bit.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010


today was crazy i forgot my memory stick so i couldn't work on my animation. then we had to look at samples and then we had to retake a quiz witch we barley got 5 more points.

Monday, January 11, 2010

todays class 1-11-10

today ibn class i guess i got a bit done, i finished the first mitosis, ans started labeling the parts and adding tham all. then we messed up a lot on the quiz. ( we got a 30 (bad ))

Friday, January 8, 2010


today i got so much done, i got about half of the first cells mitosis's done. and saved it to my memory stick. i felt very good about what i got done and i plan to work on it at home.

Wednesday, January 6, 2010


todays class we didn't do much but what we did we finished and i had lots of fun. but i got my new table to day too aand its remotly annoying.