Wednesday, October 28, 2009

todays work 10-28-09

today i got done a lot of work done i got an "A" or a "B" on almost everything we did i finished all the assighned work and i'm very happy at how it turned out.

Friday, October 23, 2009

Todays Glogster Assinment

today i got a good amount of work done but i also didn't finish everything. i got more than half done but could of gotten more done but at first i was very confused.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Planet Earth Movie- Great Plaines.

the video of planet earth was very interesting, i really liked watching all of the animals migrating. also i thought it was very neat watching the foxes hunting all of the birds, i thought it seemed very brutal. i mean i didn't want the baby birds to get hurt, but i didn't want the foxes to starve either. then they showed the caribou migrating also then once again a fox came and attacked them and got a little baby caribou.also the elephants were being peaceful then the lions were peaceful too which i thought was weird because usually lions would try to hunt them. but at night everything changed.